Thinking your dog will grow out of a bad behavio
If your puppy learnt that counter surfing gets him tasty rewards, he will keep doing it until you instruct him not to.
Waiting to start training
Because they assume puppies can't learn, many owners wait until their dog is a bad teen to train them.
Punishing them for house-breaking accidents
Dogs don't understand that discipline means they should potty elsewhere. It can also produce emotional issues with your dog that you must fix later.
Assuming every dog is friendly
Some dogs are social and prefer to welcome everyone, but not all. It might be your dog or another reactive dog.
Not having set rules
If you continually shifting his boundaries, such as allowing him on the couch one week and not the next, your dog will be confused and may quit trying to obey if he always gets things wrong.
Not having enough vet visits
According to Banfield Pet Hospital, 37% of our dogs are overweight, and diabetes, arthritis, thyroid, kidney, and flea infestations are rising.
Neglecting to puppy proof
A puppy or rescue should be brought home to a prepared house, just like a baby. Many people are careless, resulting in poisonings, ingested objects, and damaged property.
Giving dogs human medications without a vet s approval
Many of these are inadvertent, but human medication is toxic for dogs and should only be given by a vet.
Encouraging bad behavior in your puppy
The puppy grows up and loses its cuteness. You must now retrain extensively.