8 Plants That Are Poisonous for Cats


Both true lilies (Lilium spp.) and daylilies (Hemerocallis spp.) are extremely dangerous for cats, causing kidney failure within days if ingested. Avoid any plants with "lily" in their name.

Peace Lily

Despite their peaceful appearance, peace lilies (Spathiphyllum spp.) contain insoluble calcium oxalates, which can harm cats if ingested. They are safe to touch but not to eat.

Aloe Vera

Aloe vera plants (Aloe barbadensis miller) may be popular for their medicinal properties, but they are toxic to cats due to compounds like saponins and anthraquinone.

Cutleaf Philodendron

This trendy plant contains insoluble calcium oxalates, making it harmful to cats if consumed. Commonly known as "Swiss cheese plants," they're best kept away from feline friends.


With its lush draping vines, pothos is a favorite among plant enthusiasts, but it contains insoluble calcium oxalates that are toxic to cats if ingested.

Jade Plants

These succulents, also known as "money plants," can bring bad luck to cats if eaten. While the exact toxin is unknown, all parts of the plant can cause reactions in felines.

Snake Plant

While snake plants are excellent for improving indoor air quality, they contain saponins that are toxic to cats if ingested. Consider safer alternatives if you have curious pets.

Sago Palm

This tropical beauty may add flair to your home, but it's highly toxic to cats due to cycasin content. Keep it out of reach to prevent accidental ingestion.