7 fingernail problems not to ignore

Small circular nail depressions or notches are called nail pitting. Psoriasis and eczema sufferers often have it.

Nail pitting

When finger tips grow and nails bend around them, nail clubbing occurs. It frequently develops over years.

Nail clubbing

Spoon nails indicate iron deficient anemia. They may be caused by hemochromatosis, a liver disease. 

Spoon nails

Aging can produce Terry's nails. It may also indicate a significant medical condition such liver disease, congestive heart failure, or diabetes.

Terry's nails

Beau's lines are nail grooves. They can arise when injury or sickness halt nail growth.

Beau's lines

In onycholysis, fingernails loosen and detach from the nail bed. The split nail turns hazy and white, yellow, or green.

Nail separation

Yellow nail condition can cause cuticle loss and nail bed separation. A respiratory condition like chronic bronchitis may cause yellow nail syndrome. 

Yellow nail syndrome