Sitting on a chair with your back straight and your posture neutral. Holding one dumbbell firmly at one end, lift it above your head while using both hands to grab it
When lifting the weights, strive to keep your spine neutral rather than arching. To increase effectiveness and control over the weight, move it slowly.
To maintain the effectiveness of the workout as you become stronger, start carrying dumbbells in your hands.
Positioning yourself facing a wall, keeping your feet slightly apart and a few millimeters away from the wall.
To maintain tension and efficacy, keep your arms fully extended. As the exercise becomes easier, add smaller weights to maintain the exercise's effectiveness and continue to build your strength.
Maintaining an erect posture and a neutral spine when standing or sitting comfortably in a chair.
With your hands down in front of your knees and your palms pointing inward, hold one dumbbell in each hand.